Your Challenge:
Broad-Spectrum Antivirals

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Viruses are an unpredictable threat to global health, the economy and society - we have known this at least since the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Several million people have died since the beginning of the pandemic. There is still a lack of effective therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2 and emerging variants. The truth is: there are still no therapeutics against many other viruses either. Potentiating viral loads, high mutation rates and limited targets are inherent to viruses, making them true survival artists and placing high demands on drug development. The great desire to overcome the pandemic helped new technologies based on mRNA and equally new ways in drug delivery to achieve a rapid breakthrough in vaccine development – contrary to the expectations of many experts.

Similarly, breakthroughs in antiviral drug development are needed. Highly innovative approaches are required to combat viral infections. That is why SPRIND was supporting new technological approaches for breakthrough innovations to combat viral infections with this Challenge.


Goal of this Challenge was: New approaches for the development of antiviral therapeutics

The goal of the Challenge was to expand the repertoire of antiviral therapeutics with breakthrough technologies so that new treatment options will be available in the future and patients can be helped quickly. The Challenge teams were developing approaches for broad-spectrum antivirals and platform technologies for the rapid development of antiviral agents. At the end of the Challenge, the active agent resulting from the solution approach had to be tested in a proof of concept adapted to the development stage.

Participating in the Challenge pushes the teams to their full potential. We therefore provide intensive and individual support. This includes funding the teams as well as individual support from a Challenge coach, who has significant experience in the Challenge area and has already implemented high-impact innovations.

The challenge was launched in November 2021, SPRIND funded the teams' work with up to 700,000 euros in the first year. The remaining teams were funded with up to 1.5 million euros in stage two beginning in November 2022 and up to 2.5 million euros during the third year. We provide funding quickly and unbureaucratically, so that the teams can concentrate fully on their innovations. Four teams emerged as winners of the Broad-Spectrum Antivirals Challenge in October 2024.

Thinking one step further: Ideas with the potential for disruptive innovations must be brought to market to benefit patients. That is why SPRIND continues to support projects with potential for breakthrough innovation even after the Challenge has ended.


Science Youtuber Jacob Beautemps introduces the six Challenge teams of stage 2 at Breaking Lab

Breaking Lab Antivirale Mittel

Revolution in medicine? Jacob Beautemps takes a closer look at CRISPR CAS technology

Breaking Lab Antivirale Mittel

Our jury of scientists and science entrepreneurs will evaluate all applications and select the teams that have what it takes to implement breakthrough innovations.

Joachim Spatz

Joachim Spatz

Karin Mölling

Karin Mölling

Detlev Riesner

Detlev Riesner

Nikolaus Rajewsky

Nikolaus Rajewsky

Manfred Schubert-Zsilavecz

Manfred Schubert-Zsilavecz

Holger Reithinger

Holger Reithinger

February 28, 2022

What is an Innovation Challenge? What role is played by competition and cooperation? And what are the current SPRIND challenges about? Our host Thomas Ramge asks: Dr. Diane Seimetz, co-founder of Biopharma Excellence and innovation coach, and Dr. Jano Costard, Challenge Officer of the Federal Agency for Disruptive Innovation.

Listen to the episode (in German).

Teams can choose which human pathogenic viruses or virus families they target in their approach.

A proof-of-concept (PoC) in a biological model should be possible within 3 years. Biological models can be, for example, cell cultures, organoids or animal models.

The teams must follow all applicable safety regulations in handling viruses and other biological substances at all times. This includes that experiments with viruses may only be carried out in safety laboratories that have a safety level corresponding to the risk classification of the virus. Failure to comply with safety regulations will result in the exclusion from the Challenge.

Gain-of-function experiments are prohibited in the Challenge. Teams that carry out gain-of-function experiments will be excluded from the Challenge.

SPRIND supports all teams in achieving the goal of the Challenge. This includes that SPRIND finances the work of the teams from the start of the Challenge. In addition, we provide all teams with a coach who has extensive experience in implementing breakthrough innovations. From this experience, the coach supports the teams, for example, in planning the work packages and experiments, also with regard to obtaining permits and approvals, or in networking with collaboration partners or subcontractors. In addition, SPRIND uses its network to promote the implementation of breakthrough innovations.

SPRIND finances the work of the teams within a predefined framework.

The funding is provided as an individual fixed price. In stage 1, SPRIND finances up to 700.000 euros per team. In stage 2, financing is up to 1.5 million euros per team and in stage, 3 financing can reach 2 million euros. The teams state their fixed price in their application for the respective stage. Payments will be disbursed in installments as defined in the agreement between SPRIND and the participating teams. There are no final accounts at the end of each stage. The responsibility for a realistic financial forecast and calculation of the financial requirements for each milestone is borne by the team.

All expenses that serve to achieve the Challenge goal can be financed with SPRIND funds. This can include, for example, personnel costs, equipment and materials or rent of laboratory space.

The Challenge will run for 3 years, divided into 3 stages. Up to 11 teams will be admitted to Stage 1. Up to 6 teams will take part in Stage 2 and the final Stage 3 will consist of up to 4 teams.

The intellectual property rights created by the teams during the Challenge remain with the teams. SPRIND receives a free and non-exclusive right to use the results found. The teams agree to grant licences to third parties at market conditions.

SPRIND is committed to implementing breakthrough innovations and supporting innovators in bringing innovations to patients. If SPRIND identifies breakthrough innovation potential in the teams during the Challenge, their work can continue to be supported after the Challenge has ended.

Do you have further questions?

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at

Jano Costard
Jano Costard, Challenge Officer
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