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SPRIND at Falling Walls Science Summit

From November 7 to 9, SPRIND was a guest at the Falling Walls Science Summit in Berlin and offered the opportunity for personal exchange in the SPRIND Lounge. SPRIND employees were able to talk to numerous interested parties from science, industry and politics.

Falling Walls 2022
Falling Walls 2022
Falling Walls 2022
Falling Walls 2022

The Falling Walls conference on November 7 and 8 also saw the kick-off of the IP Transfer 3.0 project, in which representatives from 17 higher education institutions, research centres and research associations participated. The goal of this learning community is to jointly explore new paths in IP transfer and to learn from each other in this process. The atmosphere at the kick-off was very open exchnagen of ideas in a strong prelude to the three-year collaboration.

The project sees itself as a real-life experiment in which the institutions develop, test and implement models for a more efficient transfer of intellectual property (IP) to spin-offs. The project was initiated by SPRIND and supported by the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft. In addition, Fraunhofer ISI is involved in the project for evaluation and impact measurement and Start-up Niedersachsen for accompanying event formats.

The 17 participating institutions will share their progress and learning experiences at regular network meetings as part of the project. In addition, relevant stakeholders from the innovation ecosystem and politics will participate in exchange and dialogue formats. Through this dynamic and outwardly open dialogue, the project creates a platform for shared experiences and successes whilst interim results are taken up and further developed by the start-up ecosystem.

The goal of the initiative is to make the transfer of intellectual property faster, easier and more transparent. As Scott Inwood, Director of Commercialization at Canada's University of Waterloo, said at the SPRIND-Falling Walls Symposium on Sciencepreneurship, No one is getting rich using traditional university transfer models. The best contribution to value creation by universities and research institutions, he said, is get out of the way of IP mobilization.

Falling Walls 2022
Falling Walls 2022
Falling Walls 2022
Falling Walls 2022
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